Gold Bullion Melt Value Calculator

How Much is Your Gold Bullion Worth?

Gold Bullion Value Based on Current Gold Price

The Gold Bullion Melt Value Calculator, located below, will figure the total gold value of an individual gold coin, round, bar, or ingot; or of many different types and quantities of gold items. The gold value is determined based on the total weight of gold content. The gold calculator will only show what the gold metal is worth (intrinsic value), and will not indicate any numismatic (collector) value of your gold coins or bullion.

Use the gold calculator to find out how much your gold bullion is worth, or to determine what you would be willing to pay based on the spot price for an ounce of gold. (Instructions Below)

You might also be interested in trying out our Scrap Gold Melt Value Calculator, or one of the many other calculators that are available to use from the drop-down menu above. If your gold bullion is in the form of coins, there are also calculators for both United States and Canadian Mint issued gold bullion.

Number of Coins/Rounds/Bars:
Measured in Grams:
1 Gram Gold Bullion 1 Gram - Gold Bullion
2 Gram Gold Bullion 2 Gram - Gold Bullion
2.5 Gram Gold Bullion 2.5 Gram - Gold Bullion
5 Gram Gold Bullion 5 Gram - Gold Bullion
10 Gram Gold Bullion 10 Gram - Gold Bullion
20 Gram Gold Bullion 20 Gram - Gold Bullion
50 Gram Gold Bullion 50 Gram - Gold Bullion
100 Gram Gold Bullion 100 Gram - Gold Bullion
1 Kilo Gold Bullion 1 Kilo - Gold Bullion
Measured in Troy Ounces:
1/20 Ounce Gold Bullion 1/20 Troy Ounce - Gold Bullion
1/10 Ounce Gold Bullion 1/10 Troy Ounce - Gold Bullion
1/4 Ounce Gold Bullion 1/4 Troy Ounce - Gold Bullion
1/2 Ounce Gold Bullion 1/2 Troy Ounce - Gold Bullion
1 Ounce Gold Bullion 1 Troy Ounce - Gold Bullion
2 Ounce Gold Bullion 2 Troy Ounce - Gold Bullion
5 Ounce Gold Bullion 5 Troy Ounce - Gold Bullion
10 Ounce Gold Bullion 10 Troy Ounce - Gold Bullion
Gold Price per Troy Ounce:
Gold Spot Price Last Updated on Server:
Bullion Purity:   %
Price Spread:   %
Amount of Wear:   %

Total Gold Value:

Total Gold Weight
Troy Ounces:

Price Spread
Bid Price: 
Ask Price: 
Resultant values will be rounded to two or more decimal places depending on length.
Calculator only figures the total value and weight of the gold portion of your bullion. Does not include any other metals that may have been used to alloy.

How to use the Gold Melt Value Calculator.

Enter the total amount of coins, rounds, bars or ingots for each gold item, based on its actual gold weight. Enter your numbers in the text boxes located directly to the right of that item's corresponding unit of weight. As an alternative, you can simply click on that row's gold weight image, or its link, to increment the value of its text box by 1. The calculator will automatically update the Total Gold Value (in red), whenever a change is made to the number of gold items.

The Total Gold Value is derived based on the U.S. Dollar amount specified in the Gold Price text box. You could also use one of the other major world currencies available in the drop-down menu located underneath the prices. The default price is updated frequently during normal trading hours. The Gold Price can be changed to represent the price you'd be inclined to pay per ounce for the gold contained in any combination of gold items. This can help you to determine the maximum bid you could enter for an online gold bullion auction.

In addition to the Total Gold Value (in red), the gold calculator will also figure a Bid and Ask price based on the amount displayed in the Price Spread text box. This amount defaults to 5%, but can be changed if you like. The gold Bid and Ask prices are shown in the lower section of the gold results box, for those who would like to use them.

If your gold item is alloyed with another metal, you can use the Bullion Purity text box to adjust accordingly. Simply enter the item's percentage of pure gold by weight, and all resultant values will be multiplied by that percentage value.

The gold calculator computes total gold value and total gold weight in regard to the amount of gold content in items having no wear from handling. A gold coin or round, which does have some wear, will not contain as much gold. You may want to indicate a percentage of that wear in the "Amount of Wear" text box. A number larger than the default of 0 (zero), will reduce the total gold value and total gold weight results accordingly.

USD Spot Charts
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